VANDU partners with Safe Games 2010

Safe Games 2010 is a consortium of over 30 Vancouver based organizations who provide harm reduction based services in the community. SafeGames 2010 seeks to educate people who may not be aware of the risks of their own behaviour, to highlight the Vancouver’s reputation as a global leader in innovative harm reduction policies and practices, and to support the ongoing work of the many organisations working to provide solutions to Vancouver’s public health challenges. VANDU is one of the partners in this consortim.

Visit the Safe Games 2010 website

VANDU updates basic pamphlet

VANDU’s basic pamphlet for handout outlines our mission, what’s going on around VANDU, and how to become a member.
Copies are available at the VANDU office (380 E. Hastings).
Or please Download PDF of our updated pamphlet here

Abusing the User

Well documented report about police misconduct towards injection drug users in Vancouver.
Abusing the User: Police Misconduct, Harm Reduction and HIV/AIDS in Vancouver originally appeared in the May 2003 edition of Human Rights Watch journal.
Download Word document