3 more background documents

Susan Boyd has written a short article about the early development of the first women-centered harm reduction project in the Downtown Eastside. In this article entitled “Journey to Compassionate Care” Susan outlines the herstory of DAMS – Drug and Alcohol Meeting Support for Women – which began in 1991.
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“Prison Needle Exchange: review of the evidence” was prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada in April 2006 for the Correctional Service of Canada. In its role as a provider of evidence-based research for the government, PHAC outlines the evidence of more than 50 prison needle exchange outcomes around the world, including programmes in Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine and Iran. The Canadian authorities, even while presented with strong evidence showing no negative outcomes from prison needle exchange, remain committed to not allowing such harm reduction possibility for Canadian prisoners.
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“25 Year Quagmire: the War on Drugs and its impact on American Society” was prepared by the American-based Sentencing Project and released in September 2007. This report demonstrates how the war on drugs has been the primary vehicle driving the enormous growth of the U.S. prison system over the past quarter century. Given the present Conservative government’s intention of bolstering the drug war in Canada, increasing sentences for drug-related offences, and a multi-billion dollar expansion of prison facilities in this country, this report is a clear warning for what we can expect from the punative moralistic based absurdity which is the federal Conservatives drug policy.
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