VANDU Empowerment is a social enterprise created by the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU), a group of users and former users who work to improve the lives of people who use illicit drugs through user-based peer support and education.

VANDU Empowerment's purpose is to do the work that other companies lack the expertise to do and, if left undone would add to the misery and hardship of marginalized people.

VANDU Empowerment services range from  preparing rooms for pest control  to consulting services

VANDU Empowerment employs VANDU members to perform many of their services

VANDU Empowerment donates 75% of its pre-tax profits to VANDU to help VANDU carry out its mission

VANDU Empowerment seeks the consultation and expertise of VANDU members when creating new projects and services.





380 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1P4
Phone: (604) 719-5313
Fax: (604) 683-6199
